Under strict rules and limited time and resources, teams of high school students are challenged to build industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game in alliance with other teams, while also fundraising to meet their goals, designing a team “brand,” and advancing respect and appreciation for STEM within the local community.
Essexville-Hampton Public Schools has two Robotics Competition teams. Our original team, Team 5216 the E-Ville Empire, is for high school students, and the other is for fifth through eighth graders: Team 8517 the E-Ville Bounty Hunters. The high school team meets daily after the season kickoff and the junior high team meets Monday through Thursday after kickoff.
FRC begins meeting near the end of the first semester of school and the season kickoff occurs on the first Saturday of January every year.
Here is the schedule of events for 2024’s CRESCENDO℠ season:
Location: Midland Dow High School
Date: TBD
Regional #2
Location: TBD
Date: TBD
Michigan State Championship
Location: Saginaw Valley State University
Date: TBD
World Championship
Location: Houston, Texas
Date: TBD